July / August 2023 F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter


 Wow, time sure does fly! It’s less than a month until our Club show, “Old Machinery Days.”

For those of you that are sponsoring or have a sponsor(s) for the show, you must turn your money and information in, to Stephanie Rolke before the show.

Our Tractor Trek was a huge success. Thank you to all that participated. The money that was raised, will be divided between Ben Morrison Memorial Fund, The Warren County Education and The Mural Foundation.


We are looking for someone in the Club to run the Swap Meet during the show.  Please contact one of our directors if you are able to help.


We will start setting up for the show on Sunday, September 10th at 1:00 pm. Our Club picnic will be at 5:00 pm. Please RSVP to Stephanie Rolke at steph217@fuse.net or 513-236-0854 no later than ** SEPTEMBER 1ST** if you plan to attend.


Our club meeting will be at 6 pm after the picnic.


*As a reminder, Club membership is $20 for the year and can be renewed at the show at the registration trailer.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact one of our directors:

Chris Rolke- 513-236-8053 or chrisrolke@fuse.net

Dave Siebert- 937-603-4233 or davesiebert77@gmail.com

Dave Mullen- 937-725-9860 or davemullen36@gmail.com

Stephanie Rolke, treasurer- 513-236-0854 or steph217@fuse.net 

Regina Flynn, secretary- 513-266-7414 or flynn_regina@yahoo.com